My Family

My Family
Mike and the kiddies!!

Kae Kae and Buddy

Kae Kae and Buddy

Baby Mason

Baby Mason

The Dogs

The Dogs
Bella, Brutus, and Beckem

01 December 2012

Well, Well Well, so many things have changed since the last time I blogged on here, First things we don't live in Wisconsin anymore, Second we know have four kids not three, Third my kids are big not little babies anymore, and Fourth well we are still living life so that hasn't changed.  I will get back to blogging and I will love it so for now just thought I would say Hi and things are now different!

10 June 2011

New Hampshire

New Hampshire

So here we are 6 months later. In Keene NH. We are taking our life one day at a time out here, and so far for the most part are loving it. It is hard to be away from all you know, and meeting new people comes hard for me. But McKaelynn told my mom last night she not only like it here but Loves it and the top reason why is because we have an ice cream truck. The simple joys of children!

So McKaelynn and Michael will go to summer camp here in Keene and the Montessori I am trying to get them out of the house and to be around kids. They haven't had much interaction since the move. Mason well he is growing everyday and he isn't so much a baby anymore but yet a little boy! I took a picture of him the other day and couldn't believe my eyes how much things have changed in just 6 months.

So we are renting a home, it has 4 bedrooms, an office and a dog/play room. Lots of space but also alot of money to heat and cool! We don't have the outdoors here, we have a fenced yard but no land like back in Wisconsin! But time will tell where we go and what we will have!

As far as CHURCH well we finally found one we seem to like and fit in to it is Grace Evangelic Free Church it is about ten to fifteen minute from out house and the kids love the children's class. Mason takes a bit to get away from mom but he is adapting well.

As for people we haven't met many which I am learning is so hard! But time will tell. God has a plan for us and I know that!!

Mike had a job interview today so we will keep everyone posted on that I think it went great! He wants to work for the VA which will be great for us, once in the system for a while we can move to somewhere warm.

Well that is an update Ill post pictures of the kids.
We miss our Wisconsin Friends and Family!!

10 July 2010

My Boys walking away! I love pictures like this
My little Angel! She is so precious and beautiful but not always so sweet.
My Handsome little cowboy! Gitty Up
and my little cowbabies! We love the rodeo
We try to make it to the Rodeo in Merrill Every year we love the rodeo. We missed it last year and were bound and determined to go this year. So despite the rain the whole weekend we did make it to the Sunday show. It was so fun. Here are some pictures..

Bond and Agate falls

I can't believe how fast my little boy is getting so big. He has such a personality, and becoming such his own little guy. He is so calm natured. So laid back and a very good little boy. I am so blessed to have this little man. Mason mommy loves you in case you already didn't know that!
Me and the kids, you know so often I take all of the pictures so not many time do you come across pictures of me and the kids. This day was amazing to see god's beautiful creation and get to spend the day with my little angels. My mom and I took the kids to see the falls, and they loved it all in all a great day!
My two little water logs, I swear if they could they would live in water. They had so much fun and behaved so well I have to thank god for days like this. The weather was perfect, the timing great, the day perfect! Perfect company and a perfect experience that is all I have to say.
My mom and my littlest angel. I love seeing my mom with my kids, it is amazing that we my husband and I have both of our parents around to spend time with our children, I cherish when we have them around and to see how much joy our family brings to them!
And the most beauty in the nature around us. What is more calming then the sound and the beauty of a waterfall? Have you even thought about it. The way the water splashing and somehow it all ends up flowing together after the rough patches it must go through before the calm. It is like life and as you reach the end it is perfect and calm.
Thank you mom and kids for making this day perfect, and thank you god for all of your magnificent creations and letting the world see your true beauty.
It has been awhile and I feel my kids are calm enough to take a minute and write, and then the phone rings. Of course.
Summer is upon us and here at the Schettino household we have been busy. Boating, playing outside, bbq's, and little things here and there. But this coming week we will take our trip to New Hampshire. We are excited and can not wait. I can wait for the packing and the driving to Milwaukee and the airport troubles and so forth but the end result will be worth it.
I just wanted to make a little note, hope all is well for everyone and everyone is enjoying summer.

20 May 2010

One of our family fun waterpark stays..

Cedar Creek Family Fun!!

My kids would love nothing more then to live at a waterpark. They love swimming. They just love doing things, they are typical two and three year olds I would suspect. But on any given day if you asked them what they would want to do it would be go to the waterpark. We try to go sometime when it is doable. Here are some shots of our last trip to the waterpark in Wausau..

My little girl at the hotel, my kids love going to hotels, they love even more going to waterparks. This is one of our stays at Cedar Creek Lodge in Wausau. Family Fun! Kae brushing her teeth ready to go swimming!!

Michael also brushing his teeth waiting to go swimming. These family trips are priceless. I enjoy nothing more then to see my kids with such joy doing things they love. It makes me love it even more.

And of course here are the kids waiting for mom and dads signal to slide. They could do this for hours. It is amazing how little it takes to entertain and keep your children happy. They are so pure and innocent at this age and to see them enjoying their time so much is truly amazing.
Time with my family makes me happier then anything else. We are truly blessed that we get to have these little family fun trips and that we all love to do it. It just shows me in the littlest way of how god works wonders into our lives. He blessed me with an amazing husband and with him we have made an amazing family! To me there is no greater thing that love, and love is what holds our family together!

Early Morning..

Another Beautiful day in the Northwoods. I actually get to spend time with my husband today I feel like we haven't seen in each other in weeks when in all actuality it was monday when we were both home. We have been so busy lately that I feel our time isn't really ours. But today we have another busy day of running around and getting the house in order. The joys of everyday life. My little Mason baby had an upset belly this morning at 5 so we have been up, you know when something is wrong with this little bundle cause he doesn't usually cry to much. Well I hope everyone has a wonderful day.