My Family

My Family
Mike and the kiddies!!

Kae Kae and Buddy

Kae Kae and Buddy

Baby Mason

Baby Mason

The Dogs

The Dogs
Bella, Brutus, and Beckem

10 June 2011

New Hampshire

New Hampshire

So here we are 6 months later. In Keene NH. We are taking our life one day at a time out here, and so far for the most part are loving it. It is hard to be away from all you know, and meeting new people comes hard for me. But McKaelynn told my mom last night she not only like it here but Loves it and the top reason why is because we have an ice cream truck. The simple joys of children!

So McKaelynn and Michael will go to summer camp here in Keene and the Montessori I am trying to get them out of the house and to be around kids. They haven't had much interaction since the move. Mason well he is growing everyday and he isn't so much a baby anymore but yet a little boy! I took a picture of him the other day and couldn't believe my eyes how much things have changed in just 6 months.

So we are renting a home, it has 4 bedrooms, an office and a dog/play room. Lots of space but also alot of money to heat and cool! We don't have the outdoors here, we have a fenced yard but no land like back in Wisconsin! But time will tell where we go and what we will have!

As far as CHURCH well we finally found one we seem to like and fit in to it is Grace Evangelic Free Church it is about ten to fifteen minute from out house and the kids love the children's class. Mason takes a bit to get away from mom but he is adapting well.

As for people we haven't met many which I am learning is so hard! But time will tell. God has a plan for us and I know that!!

Mike had a job interview today so we will keep everyone posted on that I think it went great! He wants to work for the VA which will be great for us, once in the system for a while we can move to somewhere warm.

Well that is an update Ill post pictures of the kids.
We miss our Wisconsin Friends and Family!!